Best Practices for Qualified Persons Excess Soils Information Session
This free introduction and short training will review the Best Practices for Qualified Persons (QPs) document created by industry stakeholders provides additional guidance to QPs for implementing Ontario Regulation 406/19. The session will provide participants with an overview of how to access the various content, use the Best Practices and how they can be applied in different scenarios. There will be an opportunity for discussion and question and answer as a community of practice at the end of the session.
WHEN: January 28, 2020, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
WHERE: Online, via zoom
RSVP for additional Best Practice Training Sessions
For Sponsorship Opportunities please email info@oneia.ca or call 416-531-7884 for the sponsorship package.
Ontario Environment Industry Association (ONEIA)
192 Spadina Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5T 2C2
Tel: 416-531-7884 Email: info[at]oneia.ca