Ontario Stormwater Pollution Control Workshop
Imbrium Systems and Hanson Pipe and Precast invite you to attend a complimentary Stormwater workshop and luncheon on Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Guest Speaker:
Gord Miller, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario
Future Directions in Stormwater Management for Southern Ontario Municipalities
Presented by: John Nemeth, Manager of Water Resources, Town of Richmond Hill
Recent Findings in Stormwater BMP Research
Presented by: John J. Sansalone, Ph.D., P.E.
Evaluation of SorbtiveMEDIA for Phosphorus Removal from Greenroof Stormwater Runoff (A TRCA Study)
Presented by: Eric Camm, University of Waterloo
Stormceptor: New Models for a New Challenge
Presented by: Justin Arnott, Product Manager, Imbrium Systems
Stormwater Filtration and Removal of Nutrients and Heavy Metals
Presented by: Joel Garbon, Product Manager, Imbrium Systems
Black Creek Pioneer Village
Weston Rooms A & B
1000 Murray Ross Parkway
Toronto, ON M3J 2P
For registration contact: jward@imbriumsystems.com