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Pollution Probe education and awareness-building campaign

  • 09 Feb 2011
  • Toronto

Pollution Probe is launching an important education and awareness-building campaign to build literacy on the subject of energy systems in Canada.

The target audiences include decision-makers in government and industry, experts, opinion leaders, educators and interested members of the public.

Initially, the campaign consist of two initiatives:

(1)   the release and promotion of a new educational resource, Primer On Energy Systems In Canada; and (2) a cross-Canada series of workshops on energy systems.       

Enhanced energy literacy, firmly rooted in “whole systems” perspective, has been identified by many stakeholders as a critical first step toward the development of sustainable energy strategies for Canada’s future.

By convening a series of workshops across Canada, Pollution Probe aims to foster a shared understanding of how energy is produced, distributed and used in Canada – one that cuts across the various supply pathways that link energy services to sources – and a common vocabulary that enables productive dialogue among stakeholders.

The first workshop will be held on February 9th in downtown Toronto. Subsequent workshops are tentatively planned for:

§  Vancouver (March 17th)

§  Halifax (April 19th)

§  Québec City (May 11th)

§  Edmonton (May 31st).

The structure for each workshop will be similar, but the content will be fine-tuned for regional relevance.

In each workshop, the energy systems that support the provision of heat, electricity and transportation fuels in the region will be examined, opportunities for enhanced systems thinking and better integration of systems will be considered, and regional priorities will be debated. The exchange of information that occurs at the workshops will inform future editions of the Primer On Energy Systems In Canada and existing dialogues related to energy policy and energy strategy in Canada.

It is my sincere hope that you will choose to participate in this important national process. Your unique perspective and contribution will greatly enhance the value of this initiative, and build capacity among the participants to collaborate on effective solutions. Since your organization is national in scope, we would be pleased to discuss with you which of the regional workshops would be of most interest to you. We would also be pleased to consider your interest in attending multiple workshops, understanding that we are aiming for 40-50 attendees per workshop, to facilitate robust discussion.

Please complete the attached registration form and email or fax-reply to Pollution Probe. A one-page description of the workshop series is also attached. Finally, each workshop participant will be provided a complimentary copy of the Primer On Energy Systems In Canada in appreciation of their time and consideration.

Bob Oliver, P.Eng., Chief Executive Officer, Pollution Probe, tel: (416) 926-1907 ext. 231


Ontario Environment Industry Association (ONEIA)

192 Spadina Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5T 2C2

Tel: 416-531-7884 Email: info[at]

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