Implementing the Waste-Free Ontario Act: Supporting an Effective Transition to the Resource Productivity & Recovery Authority
When: March 3, 2017 Where: Allstream Centre – 105 Princes’ Blvd. Toronto, ON
Organization: Recycling Council of Ontario
REGISTRATION: https://www.rco.on.ca/event/event:226/Implementing-the-Waste-Free-Ontario-Act
The promulgation of the Waste-Free Ontario Act on November 30, 2016 triggered a multitude of immediate implementation activities, and included repealing the Waste Diversion Act and creating a unique third-party organization that will have a pivotal role in implementing aspects of the new Act: the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA).
The mandate of the RPRA includes development and ongoing management of a central registry that will collect information required from varied obligated parties that may be regulated. With this information the RPRA will be responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance, which is a first in waste reduction and extended producer responsibility policy. Information it gathers will be critical to monitoring ongoing performance and informing new policies.
RCO has identified and invited a variety of organizations from Europe that have experience applying and executing these responsibilities for a one-day forum. Attendees will have a chance to acquire first-hand knowledge on how these organizations function and how they interact with the parties they oversee and the governments that created them.
Ontario Environment Industry Association (ONEIA)
192 Spadina Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5T 2C2
Tel: 416-531-7884 Email: info[at]oneia.ca