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Environmental Compliance Essentials Conference

  • 22 Nov 2010
  • 24 Nov 2010
  • Mississauga Grand Convention Centre, Toronto

Environmental Compliance Essentials Conference

November 22-24, 2010, Toronto,  Mississauga Grand Convention Centre

Envirogate Event Management Inc. – in association with Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine and Canadian Environmental Regulation & Compliance News - is pleased to present the Environmental Compliance Essentials Conference 2010 on November 22-24, 2010

This series of three one-day courses is indispensable:

 - for seasoned professionals who seek to refresh their knowledge of current and future

  compliance responsibilities;

  - for those who are new to environmental responsibilities and who seek a comprehensive

  overview of key elements of the legislation; and

  - for all companies that recognize the need to maintain environmental compliance.

  This year, as part of Environmental Compliance Essentials 2010, we are once-again proud to

feature fully-updated versions of our top courses of 2010:

• Environmental Regulation and Compliance 2010 (Nov.22)

 • Dealing with Industrial Air and GHG Emissions 2010 (Nov.23)

 • Demonstrating and Documenting Environmental Due Diligence (Nov.24)

 In addition to alerting you to all the new developments in these important areas, these courses present

an outstanding opportunity to invest in your career through the provision of Continuing Education/IEU

credits, a handsome certificate of attendance, and free presentation and reference materials.

 That’s why I am personally inviting you to be part of a select group to attend. As my special guest you

will enjoy a VIP discount of 10% off the Conference’s standard registration rates when you register today.

NOW is the time to make powerful connections and augment your professional expertise. NOW is the time to be fully prepared for spills, leaks and C of A issues BEFORE they arise! I am confident that you will leave Environmental Compliance Essentials 2010 with valuable information that will make you a more vital part of your team and enhance your value to your company.

To take advantage of this special offer, enter discount code “STEVE10” after typing in your name, when registering online. Don’t wait – this special offer ends on October 14th.

To register, or to download the complete conference program, visit, or contact Judy Earl at (416)920-0768.

I look forward to meeting you at Environmental Compliance Essentials 2010 

Steve Davey, Publisher, Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine

Ontario Environment Industry Association (ONEIA)

192 Spadina Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5T 2C2

Tel: 416-531-7884 Email: info[at]

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